The Spiraling Homestead

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Go Unscented The Way Nature Intended

Ooo - that rhymed! I'm easily amused.

But really, let's be serious. How many scents does it take before our own noses revolt? Or have they already started? Allergies abound, sinuses drain at the mere mention of perfumes, and headaches are started just by walking past a store with a perfume counter.

Doesn't that tell you something?

Exactly how smelly are you to need all of these scents? I'll guess not very.

Look at everything in your house:
Toilet Paper
Soap - just walk down the aisle at the store for the answer to this one
Make Up
Deoderant/Anti Persperent
Body Powder
Clothes Detergent
Dishwashing Detergent
Clothes Stain Remover
Fabric Softener
Dryer Sheets
Furniture Polish
Pet Shampoo
Floor Cleaner/Polish
Shoe Polish!
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Window Cleaner
All Purpose Cleaners
Air Fresheners

Obviously the list can go on, and does. Endlessly.

What most people don't realize is these scents are not natural. They are chemicals made in a lab to be mass produced for consistency's sake. By slathering it on our bodies, coating our clothes, spraying it on our furniture, smearing it on our floors and spraying it in the air we breathe, we have no choice but to ingest unknown numbers of chemicals in unknown combinations and unknown quantities for most of our lives.

Officials say we are safe, but why don't we really think about it? Doesn't it sound just a little counter intuitive to say we're safe? Different cancers are on the rise, autism is on the rise, ADD/ADHD is on the rise, depression is on the rise.

Obviously, I'm one for conspiracy theories. I don't truly think all of these things can be attributed to scented 'everything', but doesn't it at least make you wonder just a little?

Plus, what byproducts are made in the production of these fake scents? What is it doing to our planet, between the energy consumed to make them and the disposal of byproducts after the fact as well as any that get into our water supply from disposal or just daily use?

Essential oils found in many products, has been linked to hormone disruption in prepubescent boys.
"The research, conducted by scientists for the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), suggests that a group of toiletry products, including gels, shampoos and lotions, appears to spark off a chemical reaction that causes a number of pre-pubescent boys to grow breasts."

So, why do we use them? What's wrong with smelling like a human for a change?

Do everyone a favor, and I mean *everyone* - stop using scented everything. Even for just one cycle of stuff. Buy one of each of product in its unscented form. I know some don't have that - toothpaste is one, but of as many as you can.

Once you're done with that little clincial trial, tell me honestly that you prefer having scents duke it out on your body.

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