The Spiraling Homestead

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

At Least 10 Uses For Newspapers

I use the majority of our newspapers from summer reading in the garden. I soak the sections in a pale of water, and then lay them out before I put mulch down. Worms love it, it helps keep moisture in and weeds OUT.

Other ideas, not all of them good, are here
There is a new way to make newspaper logs as well, other than wetting the sections and rolling them up - which doesn't burn well at all. It presses the paper into bricks. I've not tried it, as I had tried the log roller and it failed miserably. But I may now with the recycling business going belly up due to the depressed market here and overseas. Since we have a wood burner, I might as well see if this does any better, and can at least use a few of our off-season papers this way.

Some of the better ideas found on the first website
Clean the chalkboard.
Use to cover work books.
Shred newspaper to use as packing material, for storage or moving belongings.
Keep boots upright with a roll of newspaper
Stuff smelly shoes with newspaper to absorb odors.
Stuff newspaper into wet shoes and leave them to dry overnight
When painting window trim, wet sheets of paper and stick on windows, to reduce splatters on window glass.
Use as emergency toilet paper.
Wrap around ice cream containers to keep ice cream cool
Stuff inside your coat or under blankets to keep warm in an emergency
Line the shelf of a smelly fridge with newspaper overnight to absorb the odors.
Wrap fruit it in newspaper If you want it to ripen quickly
Use for messy cleanup jobs like cleaning the oven. Use sheets of crumpled newspaper to wipe up most of the gunk before wiping down with a soapy wet sponge.
Germinate seeds for the spring garden by spreading between damp sheets of newspaper.
Make garden seed starting pots
Crumpled newspaper makes mirrors and glass shine. Just spray the surface with glass cleaner and use them as you would regular paper towels.
Line the bottom of pet cages (litter boxes, birds, rabbit, hamster...etc)
Take newspapers to the local veterinarian or animal shelter for use in the cages.
Learn origami

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