The Spiraling Homestead

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Good Spring

A picture of our back yard May 5.
So far it is a great spring. Yes, the weather has been incredibly odd, but generally speaking, it's been good.

My vitamin D production is beyond last year's already (read, "sun tan"), and it isn't June. That's a good thing.

I'm both ahead and behind in my outdoor projects, but that's ok. It evens out in the end.

I've started my composting with the assistance of a lawn care service. As soon as I know which one, I'll put the info on here. LOL - I truly don't know the name of the business, but he does the lawn of the church next door. He's thrilled to be getting rid of his grass clippings, and I'm thrilled to be getting them.

Oh - I checked - half-life of herbicide ON the plants is a max of 2 weeks. In the soil, up to 2 months. Pesticide, 1 month and 6 months respectively. With grass, and how rapidly it grows, neither will be on for more than 1 week. So - I'd say 75% of the clippings I get are fine. And with my using them mostly in the compost, there will be absolutely new worries. So, while truly organic would be nice, this is a great second place in my book.

This is a compilation photo. Each bin is about 3' cube. 1 is 4', but that's no big deal. The far left is compost from 2 years ago that has been used. The days are marked to give an idea of how quickly compost can be made. They all started out the size of Day 1 - at far right. Second from the left is 7 days old - like peas porridge. LOL

I'm doing my compost differently than most recommend. I'm adding half green, half brown (leaves from the property). When it compacts to half of original volume, I'm turning it and adding half grass clippings again (or weeds/deadheading/ thinning, etc.). When compacts to half volume, will add it to another pile to make into full volume. If and when that compacts to half volume, I'll turn it and add more grass. That should get me to the right ratio of green:brown. Then, in fall, combine all piles into 1 large and let it sit to cold-compost over the winter. Seeds shouldn't stand a chance that way.

I've added grass clippings to last years compost in 1 large pile, and will sift that out in a couple of weeks to use in flower beds.

Have just planted some of my veggie garden. 4 rows of beets and chard. I'm late with the chard, but had to wait until someone else cultivated the garden. It drives my vertigo wild. Tomatoes are in. Fence is up. String beans are tomorrow. Will be done with that very very soon. Woohoo!

1 flower bed is complete and ready to mulch. Hoping to have another one ready tomorrow. I may be exhausted until October, but I'm not arguing it. It's what keeps me sane.

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