The Spiraling Homestead

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Worms Gone Bad

I know. What?
Well, about 3 years ago, my aunt and I both exclaimed about how the worms have become super worms. They shoot out of the mulch/grass/soil like coming out of a cannon, are *strong* and BIG.
This one in my hand is a medium one.

This year, I had a free couple of hours, so started re-edging a flower bed and the grass was just pulling up like an area rug. You can see this by the second picture.
Under this, are dozens of this worms. No grubs. No mealy bugs. I found 2 grubs in about 100 sf of soil - I even dug, looking for them. None. But, the more worms I find, the worse the grass damage.

The original edge of this flower bed was about 3" from hose lying there. As you can see, I was able to pull a full foot of grass - and I could have pulled more, but chose not to.

And a flower bed I just made this year, which has very few of these Worms Gone Bad has absolutely no turf damage.

Any ideas?

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