The Spiraling Homestead

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Solar Heater Works

On the up side - I know my design works.

On the downside, I have found out that vinyl clad windows might not be the best choice for making a solar heater.

Here's the link to the original note regarding my design.

Yes, it took me awhile to finish. Not because of procrastination, mind you. I have many hurdles to leap over to finish any larger project, particularly if I must rely on someone else for my errands - which is all the time.

So - this morning, I finished putting the cover frame over the window, screwing it in place, calking everything I could think of, and then wheeled it out of the garage - like some monster awaiting the lightening storm. That puppy's heavy.

I can't stand it up just yet, but placed it so it could vent itself easily. Obviously not easily enough. The air in the 2 pipes was sitting around 120. Woo. I was happy happy happy.

I went out after about 90 minutes and discovered the window had opened itself. The words I spoke are not fit for tender ears - which means anyone but mine! I have learned the fine art of cussing better than anyone I know.

I've gone searching for information on vinyl windows. It seems the melting point of the vinyl is somewhere between 212 and 350. I'm guessing the temperature in there was at least 200, so was enough to soften the vinyl to the point of failure.

I'm not thrilled. I'm brain dead at the moment, so any attempts at repair will wait until tomorrow. I'm sure it will involve many screws - hopefully none coming OUT, but rather just being set in to hold the stupid window in place. We'll see.

I'm truly amazed the window itself didn't break. The amount of displacement of the frame and the way the window is set in, doesn't allow for any displacement toward or away from the cans/solar collector tells me the window should have broken. Oh well.

That's what tomorrow is for. I'm still cussing.

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