The Spiraling Homestead

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Carbon Diet Calculator

WOW! This thing is GREAT!
Yes, it could have more menu options. Yes, it could have drinks. But it doesn't. Not yet. Maybe not ever. But it gives a very clear indication of how much carbon and climate changing gases your eating emits. And not just from your body. From the production, preparation, shipping, packaging, heating, freezing, and whatever else is done to it for you to have some 'convenience' in your day.

On average - you save a whole 12 minutes using highly processed foods, rather than cooking from 'scratch'. I'll use those 12 minutes to make a meal that is far more enjoyable, less toxic to my body and half as toxic to the earth.

Eat Low Carbon

It has 2 different categories - make your own meals - which you choose the items you would typically cook for a meal for you, or ready made meals - which you normally reheat. Use both and see what happens. Each 4500 points (I guess similar to Weight Watcher's method for losing weight) is equal to 3 tons of carbon emissions.

I calculated for us both ways. Each would be around 2300 points with all ready made, or around 1100 the way we cook now.

You tell me which is better for you.

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