The Spiraling Homestead

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Central United Methodist Joins Carbon Fast

Central United Methodist Church of Endicott, NY has joined the Carbon Fast! Woohoo!

The following letter went out to all congregants (about 1000):

Dear Friends in Faith,

The original Lenten fast had to do with eating simple through the whole 40 days of Lent. Some fasted all day during the Fridays of Lent. Some more recently have given up some activity or luxury during and used the time and/or money for a good use. Some take on some worthwhile ministry during Lent.

Here’s a new one I ran across: Give up some carbon for Lent. We all have a “carbon footprint” that is the amount of carbon-based fuel we use (oil, gas, gasoline, diesel, coal, plastics, electricity-mostly.) By reducing some we save some fuel, leaving more for later, make less pollution and save some money.

Like more traditional fasts, we can choose something that will make a little difference (shut off a light) or something very significant (install insulation). The benefits are more likely to come with a more significant fast.

But how is carbon fasting spiritual? It won’t make your stomach growl or give the fulfilling sense of helping someone. Remember God created this world. God’s continuous creation continues to make rain water fall and plants grow. Since God is caring for our earth, don’t we want to join God in very hands on way? Won’t we sense God closer to us if we are closer to doing what God does?

For links to lots of suggested ways to do this go to CarbonFast

Consider praying like this with your fast:

God, you love us so much you give us this beautiful world. You love the world so much you gave us your Son. We want to love this world and its people in a tangible way, like you do. Bless our “giving up” __________ name the action and make our little planet more sustainable because of it. Show us other ways to conserve and save energy. Help us grow in faith and grow closer to you as you grow closer to us.
Through Jesus Christ who came to save us.

So this Lent don’t give up chocolate, camel rides or jumping out of airplanes. Give up some of your carbon.

Grace and Peace to you,
Pastor Doug

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