The Spiraling Homestead

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Visit To The Homestead

And you didn't think there was any such thing as a real pecking order! Ha! You're wrong. As you can see, the first Red came out while the others were watching. Once they saw she was ok, they started coming out. It reminded me of a horror flick gone cute. Rather than beasts of evil flooding through the unprotected gates of hell, it was chickens coming out of a camper made just for them. Very circus like.

The part I couldn't capture on the camera was a single hen standing on the top of the water bucket while all the others departed. She stayed there the whole time. It was very interesting to watch!

These two pictures - of the Rocks - Heads I win, Tails you lose. LOL It's a cute little butt - as chicken butts go.

Here, you can see they've blended nicely. They've all got more room to scratch out a meal than they've ever had before. The Reds came from a 20x24 concrete floored room and have never really seen the ground before. So this is an extra special treat for them. They can actually be chickens!

The Rocks have had ground to play on, but never more than an 8x8 space at any given time. So, going to a 25x25 is pretty exciting for them all! Talk about clucky!
And if you'd like to know more about these and other heritage breeds, please visit The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy

They had to stay inside the next day since it was a bit difficult getting them to understand night time meant they went INTO the chalet to roost. Their homing instinct doesn't include the building - just the location of the building. Chickens have never been accused of being the brightest bulbs in the world.
I also got to see Venita's green houses. Very cool! They aren't packed yet, as she still is in the seedling stage, but they'll be too full to move very soon. Good for her!
We're all planning a joint venture actually. I'll be making jams, jellies, bread and coffee cakes, utility bags and potholders (quilts are out for now - way too much time needed to make them for this year). They'll sell eggs, flower and veggie plants. I believe their neighbor will be selling goat milk - which is wonderful - have had it.
Bro is looking into making more Chalets to sell since this one went together so well and is working just as he had hoped. He has a solar electric fence around it so they won't leave without permission.
I'm hoping to get a bunch of stuff written up for either the end of the market season this year or the beginning of next season. I don't know which yet. It truly depends on the weather this summer. If it's rainy and crappy, obviously I'll be inside more than out working. If it's super sunny, I'll be working outside a lot. So - again, it just depends.
But we're all such Jack of All Trades that we can probably make a good go of it as a combined homestead of sorts. We're all homesteading, but we all have our specialties within the homesteading. With any luck, it'll work!

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