The Spiraling Homestead

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bio Fuel Information

Tidbits I find, I'll post here. If you have any you'd like to share - and can state your source, please let me know! I'll post with thanks to you.

From Organic Gardening (May 2007):
400 million gallons of gasoline are used in the US per year.
560 gallons of ethanol are needed to replace 400 gallons of gasoline (1.4 to 1)

Ethanol (gallons) produced from one acre of grasses - 1000
Ethanol (gallons) produced from one acre of corn - 400

More carbon is stored in roots and soil of grasses than it takes to produce ethanol from it. Renewable resource. Nitrogen neutral (needs virtually no fertilizer)

More carbon is used to produce ethanol from corn than is stored in its roots or soil. Must be replanted. Very nitrogen needing (needs heavy fertilizing, depletes soil rapidly)

(from Scott Chapman)

If you replaced just four 100-watt incandescent bulbs that burn four or more hours a day in your home with four 23-watt fluorescent bulbs, you’d get as much light and save at least 1,356 kilowatt-hours of electricity and $108 over three years. If all our nation’s households did the same, we’d save as much energy as is consumed by some seven million cars in one year.

Refrigerators in the U.S. alone use the equivalent of the output of about 60 300-MW power plants. If all the nation’s households used the most efficient refrigerators, electricity savings would eliminate the need for about 30 power plants.

The typical refrigerator sold in 2002 has more features yet uses about half the electricity of a comparable model sold in 1980.

Each year, Americans spend more money to power home audio and DVD products when turned off than when actually in use.

The energy use of two families living in two homes that are EXACTLY alike can vary by 100 percent –– which means that how you use what’s in your home can double (or halve) your energy bills

It might be going out the window –– literally. Some homes have enough leaks around its windows and doors to equal one open three foot by three foot window! Check your home’s first line of defense against the elements –– the roof, walls, floors, windows, and doors. It pays to deal with air leaks first to get the maximum savings from your heating and cooling systems and other energy-efficiency measures.

Rule of thumb for thermostat savings: For each degree you lower your thermostat in winter, you can save about 3 percent on your heating bill.

Every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity you avoid using saves more than 1½ pounds of CO2 from being pumped into the atmosphere. If over the next 15 years, Americans bought only Energy Star qualified products, we would shrink our energy bills by more than $100 billion and eliminate as much greenhouse gas pollution as is produced by 17 million cars for each of those 15 years!

drive a little slower –– for each mph you drive less than 65, you save about 2 percent

GreaseCar Diesel2VegOil
Frybrid Diesel2VO

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