The Spiraling Homestead

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Potato Flour

I have wheat sensitive asthma, so have been trying different flours for my morning pancakes. I've gone through rye, quinjoa, millet, brown rice (favorite so far), corn, and a couple others I can't think of their names - heirloom grains - to see what is most tasty and agreeable with my asthma. It's not as if I go into status asthmaticus, I just like to not get out of breath going up stairs.

So - the latest flour to try - potato.

LOL - it is not a 1:1 exchange. It's not a 1:10 exchange. I don't know what ratio you would use, but trust me, it isn't much. When the label says, "put a tablespoon into baked good for a moist crumb", they mean a tablespoon.

I decided to make my batch of pancakes for the week, half potato, half brown-rice. It took a QUART of milk and 2 eggs to get it so I could spoon it. As soon as I added the normal 3/4 C of milk, it turned to concrete. Uh oh. Add more milk, still concrete. Add more milk and use a whisk. Still lumpy and thick. Add more milk and use the electric beaters. Add more milk, keep beating. Add more milk. LOL

Then, there was no turning them. I had greased the skillet heavily with corn oil and they stuck like glue. My regular pancake flipper just wasn't up to the task. Change flippers. Turn the flipper upside down to get better leverage. Turn half a pancake, and scrape the other half to get it flipped. Wash flipper off. Repeat with the remaining three.

They're moist. They've got a great taste. They're nothing to look at. And I've got a lot more scraping to do on my skillet to get the remnants off.

I'm going to try making a batch of rolls out of the rest of the mix. LOL - I hate wasting that kind of volume, so it'll become an expirement.

I'll let you know. LOL

At least it's sunny out today and we got snow instead of ice, so it's not a bad day by any stretch. It just got off to an interesting start.

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